Thursday, September 29, 2011

(Essay)What is it like to be a Human?

what does it mean to be ""human"?

What does it mean to be a human? That just sounds wired for me to write about. It seems so hard for a reason but all I have to do is describe myself. I don’t know, I think this is the hardest thing I ever wrote about but when it comes to describing humans I think it comes down to love. This is what keeps humans together and make us different from other creatures.

We experience this first at a young age with the love our parents show us. Since the second you are born the love between a mother and a baby grows. The bond they have grows till the there last breath and you could see that with most kids. There are some times where we are angry at each other but at the end of the day we realize that without our mothers things would be so different. Mother show there love in a way some people might not see. They do all the little simple things that we need for our everyday life that sometimes we forget it. for example cooking three times a day, giving us rides to place we need to be at, making us lunch every morning, making sure we have everything we need for school, and providing protection. Mothers love their kids like there is no other thing in the world to love more then there baby. There so many mothers in this world who rise their baby by them self and work multiple jobs to make sure you have the best life as possible. However if that’s not even enough they cut their sleeping hours and go find work on a night shift. The things mothers would do for their babies are amazing.  

i would say the same thing about fathers but some father abandon their kids at a young age but those who do stay and raise show love in a support way like making sure there is food on the table, providing protraction, making sure you are healthy and just being there and supporting you at what you want to do. i strongly believe that Fathers don’t do as much as mother but they are still needed greatly. Just going out and play catch with their kids makes them feel loved and cared about. Both parents play a big role in our life with the love and care they provide us at young age we see how to treat our own kids once we get to parenthood.
The other way love defines humans is by our reaction after we lose someone that we really cared about. Whether it’s their son, father, sister, or mother they lost, they cry because of the love between a family members are very deep. Some people don’t even let go of the death of the love ones. The connection you had with that person will never fad because the love is unbreakable. All you get is flash backs of all the good times and regrets that you didn’t love them as mush or show them you really cared. The love we have for them is what gives us the power to go visit them at seminary. Put fresh new flowers and pry at their grave.  

 This is not just when you lose a friend or a person you care about, it’s also when you lose your pet. I could speak for experience that I was very devastated when my dog died just 2 years ago. All the memories I had with him just kept coming back and the tiers would not stop. I missed walking him and washing him and all the other stuff people do with there pet.
Just the other day I was watching the news and they were talking about a fire that broke out in San Francisco. Luckily no humans were hurt because they were able to escape on time and most people were at work.  However some people owned pets that were not able to escape and as soon as they heard the about the fire they rushed home. The reaction I saw on this lady’s face when the fire man saved her dog was like he had just saved her owe baby. She was crying out of relief hugging the dog tight thanking the fire man. Now I could clearly see she was crying because she can’t imagine her life without her dog. She clearly shows that human’s lives depend of the people or pets that you love because after you lose that thing you loved the most; you are going to no care about yourself.  Some people take their own lives because they balm themselves for the death of their loved ones.
My last reasoning is when humans find the “one” that they want to spend the rest of their lives with. When you get married none of them are going to get what they want. There must be some scarifies. Both of them are going to make big scarifies and if they pass that that clearly will show how human are towards people they love. They are will to give away something they care about for all the love they carry for this other human. They may regret it sometimes but when all is done they realize as long as they have that person in their arms they don’t really care. I’ve met these to old people who were together since they were in 8th grade and now they’re still married. When I heard this I was surprised. I mean, how could a person be with that one person for a young age. Later on it came clear to me that the connection and love was big. They were able to get through every obstacle that got between them because all they cared about was each other. That’s what’s like to be a human.
There are other reasons I’m sure for what’s like to be a human but from my point of view it’s like that make us the way we are.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate how you pick one topic here and stick with it, getting into several deep examples and developing with details. Good work here! This is how you put a strong essay together.
