Tuesday, September 13, 2011

(FREE) Deja and her weak ass Warriors

I know it’s only the third week of school but I have nothing to talk about. Since I’m in class doing this blog my friend Deja said I should just blog about her. She’s funny sometimes and annoying other times but I guess that’s okay because almost everyone is annoying. She’s also so easy to pick on anytime but what I really like about her is that how she doesn’t get butt hurt like other people.  She also has a lot of love for sports like I do but she be hatin on my boy Kobe so I don’t like that.

She also likes a weak basketball team named the warriors. I mean they suck so bad every year they struggle to even win half their games. Don’t get me wrong I love that because my boy Kobe and the Lakers beat they ass almost every time they play them. This shows she’s a loyal fan but there is a limit to that. If your team hasn’t won shit in the last 20-30 year when will they ever win? I’m go ahead and say never. Yes I said it the warriors are not going to win shit with weak players they have and draft so give it up deja. Come to the winning side because I think you had enough with losing ever year. Ohh and stop hating on Kobe cause you know he’ll beat anyone at one on one like your Lebron.  You know I don’t want to end this blog on a bad note so I’m going to say love you and I hope you come to the winning purp and yellow!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Biruk , WARRIORS AND CELTICS all the way.
    but I love you too <3
