Thursday, September 15, 2011

(RE) The love people have for football

This week I am doing my response post on Rowland’s post.

With the NFL lockout over, preseason over, the start of the 2011 NFL footballseason is upon us.
Well can Rowland have said it better than that? Nope because football is back baby and the first week of football was fantastic. Most of the games were really close and I must say that was great for the NFL. They have made everyone very upset with the lockout they had and the 1st week of games just saved their ass. Football is an American sport and people will just go crazy without seeing their favorite teams play everyone week. They stay late at night watching Monday night football even though they have work the next day. They even play fantasy football and check on their players ever minute on Sundays. They get in fights about trades states, and whose team is better or not. I would know because I am one of those people who play fantasy football with bunch of my friends. Some people may play for the prizes but some real fans do it out of love of football.
Two days ago I was very upset because one of my friend wouldn’t give me the player I wanted even with me offering a lot of great players just  for one great player. No matter what I did he wouldn’t accept my trade offer and it got me thinking how owners may feel when they try to make a trade. he still hasn’t agreed but I aint going to stop offering because I need that player on my team. Rowland don’t be stupid take my trade offer.


  1. listen Biruk, im so proud of you that you learned to write a post about me .. I told you that i would accept jackson n white for mcfadden. Thats the trade. If you have a decision. Tell me . Or if u want a different trade let me know.

  2. I like how you wait to reveal the friend's identity until the very last sentence...That cracked me up.
