Tuesday, September 6, 2011

(INTRO)The life that i live and the life that you wish i had... haha

what’s up classmates well people call me biruk( my real name) but some of my close home boys call me Kobe. Well you might ask why. It’s because I’m really raw at basketball and i play just like Kobe. I also got that last second shot luck that Kobe has, so these are some of the reason why they call me Kobe. If me and Kobe played one on one i would make him look really bad that he would retire(I wish). No for real though I wish I had his skills because every time i watch him play he amazes me. I would go outside and try some of his moves but there so hard i just give up. Anyways my real name is Biruk Gebreyesus and I was actually born in Ethiopia and i came here at age 7 or 8  I’m not really sure i forgot. When I first came here all I wanted to do was join a soccer team because that all I did since I was 3 years old. I wanted to see how good Americans were but I have to say I was a little disappointed at the level of soccer they were playing. So I joined a higher age group to see if it was any better and I played on a higher age group in till I was in 7th grade. As I was getting older my love for soccer was fading so I stopped playing competitive soccer and just joined a local soccer team with all my friends just for fun. My love for basketball grew as my skills got better and so I started playing basketball but now my love is with football.

  I play football for the school on the JV team with some of my friends. If you wanna see greatness come see our game this Friday but if you really want to see greatness check out number 10. He is the best player I have ever seen play in a high school football hands down. All the great plays he makes are worth your money. ohh by the way number 10 is me lol. I love playing football more than any other sport as of right now because there is no greater feeling  then making a defended miss and score the game winning touchdown or even catch the game winning touchdown. Football is an American sport so there are a lot of people at the games which helps you make friends and sometimes help you get in fights with people from other school. I mean I’m not saying get in a fight because yo ass going to get suspended lol. All I’m saying is come out and support your school make friends and have fun. What else could you be doing on a Friday night? Never mind I don’t really want to know just come out and support us pleas. 

ohh yea and i enjoy hanging out with friends and playing video games with my close friends and bragging or betting on madden you know the usual stuff.

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