Wednesday, September 7, 2011

(FREE) Texting While Driving is a Big No No.

For starters I don’t even drive but I’m smart enough to understand that you shouldn’t text while driving. I mean really is texting more important than your life or someone else’s life? No its not, it could wait but for some reason should you feel like it can’t wait then pool over then text. People don’t need to die for your stupid text messages just be smart while your drive. The only reason I sound pissed is because I witnessed a lady hit one of my teammates while she was doing something on her phone and I’m pretty sure she was texting.  She must have been caught up on that message because she was driving like around 5-10 MPH and she wasn’t even looking at the rode. I think she might have even ran past the stop sign but the next thing I see is her hitting one of my teammates. I mean this wouldn’t even have to happen if she maybe stopped at the stop sign or maybe even looked up every 3 second or something. Luckily for her he was okay but  now she not only messed up my teammates plans for the day but her chance to reply to that text message  right away that caught her attention so badly that she ran over a teenager.   
 I’ve seen people text while driving before but I didn’t care in till this incident. You are responsible for the actions you take while driving a car. All my coaches tell me “football is a privilege not a right” and I fell like driving is a privilege not a right and it could all be taken away from you for one dumb mistake you make that might cost someone their life.  

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