Wednesday, September 21, 2011

(CURRENT) Blaming Scientists

I know that people died and everything but taking scientists to court is not right. What? Taking them to court going to do for the people that lost their loved one? Noting it just creates more hatred. This whole thing was just a big mistake on the scientist part but at the end of this scientists are the ones that get us out of shit like this.  It’s not like they knew that an earthquake was going to hit with 100% knowledge. I mean if they had said an earthquake was going to hit and everyone should evacuate on a small indication that an earthquake was going to happen, and later it turns of to be a false alarm people would get upset and moody.  I’m not saying that what they did was not wrong but they are still human and everyone makes a mistake.
 I think they should just try to improve this instead of pointing at one another because that’s not going to do anything for anyone. This the one of the problem people have these days. They want to find people to blame for what happened when it’s no one’s fault.
One other thing is that most people are so naïve. We think noting is going to happen like how the United States thought no one was able to touch our security but we were wrong. Out of a horrible incident we learn not to be so naïve and improved our security. I guess something bad has to happen for people to take action.  So they scientists could use this as a wakeup call and just improve on things they need to do.

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