Thursday, September 8, 2011

(CURRENTS)9/11 to much hype?

I really feel like the man that spoke last was right when he said that this 9/11 tragedy was getting to much hype in some ways. Yes we are sad about all the people that lost their life for no reason but remember all those families that lost someone that’s they loved so much. Would they want to relive this tragedy and pain every year? I mean I may be wrong but I really fell this 9/11 thing should be keep low key for those who want to let it go. They may feel like all this coverage on the news and all this what if’s are not going to bring back their loved ones back. They may not even want to think about it like a husband who lost this wife or vice versa or maybe even their kids. We as a nation should just let those people who may not be over this tragedy have some privacy. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying let’s forget 9/11 completely I’m just say let’s just keep it low key and add it to the history book. I feel like this is a big thing for the next generation to know about but not on a news station who I really feel like do this for rating every year. Let’s take it to the classroom so we could educate the young ones without hurting the ones that are already hurt with his tragedy.
We are rebroadcasting the tragedy every year and really I mean yes we should keep doing that to let people know that there was some brave people that died that day but there should be a limit. We should keep on have those moments of silence and other things to keep them in our mind but we shouldn’t talk about the same things over and over again every year. Let’s look at it as a wakeup call and just remember 9/11 for those people that died or those people that lost there loved ones.       

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