Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(FREE) The Island Bowl

The alameda high school football team is going up against one of their biggest rivals this Friday. We play the Encinal Jets and everyone is juiced because it’s the biggest game we have on our schedule and the rivalry is big. It goes back to 57 years and I have a part to play on one next one this coming Friday. The only thing that makes me made is that our schoolmates believe we are going to lose but then again we could use that as motivation with the other motivational thing we already have. Our Varsity team has 2 and 1 record but I really think they could have been 3 and 0. Our JV team is 2 and 1 but we want to extend our winning streak so we won’t let the jets break it.

The past 3 years the JV team has beat Encinals and we want to extend it to 4 come this Friday. The var team hasn’t been as sharp for the past few years against the Jets but for some reason I really believe they could win this game. They have so many weapons both side of the field that I strongly believe this is the year there going to break the losing streak to Encinal.

This could be the year both Var and JV go back home with their hornet pride back because the time of losing to Encinal is going to end. Everyone is pumped and can’t wait for Friday including the coach’s, teachers, and former players that played for the Hornets.  Let’s go bring this home Hornets! 

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