Saturday, September 10, 2011

(RE) What is life like after life?

this week I'm responding to Jonathan Fifer post.

Have you ever wondered what life is like after life??

Dang I feel like john just read my mind because I have constantly thought about that question all the time. I’m pretty sure almost everyone has at least thought about it once or twice. This is the question everyone wants to know but sadly we will never find out and that sucks. Even as I’m writhing this I’m thinking about what life is like after life, and I’m pretty sure your think about it as you’re reading this. We just can’t help it, we humans feel like we have to know everything. That’s just the way we are. There are so many questions that go through our heads about the afterlife but at the end we are just left with more questions. And I hate that. Maybe its best we don’t find out because we all know how people are towards bad news and if the afterlife is not what we expect it to be or maybe even worse than we thought it would be, I think people will go insane. Just for that reason I hope we never find out even though it kills me to say that. I don’t know maybe I’ll change my mind later but as for right now let’s just leave things the way they are.

1 comment:

  1. Life after life!
    It doesn't really sound right does it? It's like an oxymoron. There is no life after life!
    Life is the brief and wonderful experience that we are gifted with, like all other animals, plants, bacteria, etc.
    What is it that we may experience after the termination of our finite material existences?
    No one knows.
    Or perhaps we all do! Hehe. It's fun to think about isn't it!
    Also... could you please split your blog into paragraphs for me so it's easier to read?
