Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(RE) I cant believe you deja

I'm responbonding to deja this week

I have a couple of best friends, the girl kind of best friends. However Ihave only one true guy best friend Rowland, or as I can him WHOREland. He trulyis my best friend. My definition of best friend is someone I can trust, tellanything to, be there if I need them, never judges me, and supportive, sobasically Rowland.

Well I don’t even know what to say about this other then I fact I feel like I have been betrayed. I mean what hurts the most is the fact she said Rowland is her only best guy friend.  Really Deja ? I know we have our differences about the Lakers and Celtics and your weak as warriors but saying that u only have one best guy friend just really hurts my feeling.
 All those time I been there for you when your warriors got they ass kicked by the Lakers and all the other time I was there for you when your weak as Celtics lost to the Lakers in the NBA finals. All those time when you cried about how you fall in love with weak ass teams I was there. I guess that don’t mean noting to you and let’s see if Rowland will be there when the warriors get they ass kicked again like the past 20 to 30 years or when the Celtics fail to make the playoffs because they got a weak players other then Ray Allen (that man got wetters lol). I just want you to know that what you wrote was wrong and show you Rowland is not the best friend you claim he is.
Oh and when Kobe wins the MVP award this coming season over yours and Baileys weak as Lebron there aint  no one to be there to tell you it “okay you just need to pick winners not losers”. I’m just joking deja I just had noting to write about but you do need to change teams really though. Just trying to help and show you what if feels like to be apart of winning team. Just think about it.

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