Thursday, October 13, 2011

(Current) Unemployment rising in the UK

This week I’m doing my current post on this video where they talk about how the unemployment rate has gotten up. This problem is happening in the UK and people don’t have any jobs they could get. In this video they interview a guy who hasn’t had a job in two years and had not found any work since then. The jobs that are available are minimum wage jobs but he can’t pay rent and get food with that kind of paying job. With that kind of money he really can’t do anything so he looks for work every day and hope every morning that is the day he finally get a job.
There also this other man who lost him job that don’t have any option. But he still helps the people in need by distributing food. Now that a very nice man. He’s going out of his way when he doesn’t have anything to help other. Is the fact that he thinks that he can’t find a job or he just don’t like working? Well we don’t know but we all know that some of the reasons for rise of unemployment are because people are getting lazier. Once they lose their job they give up and the once that really look for a job after they lose a job are the one that have to support a family.
I may not know how hard it to find a job personally but I do know someone who can’t find one. Ever since my aunt moved from the Bay area to Sacramento it’s been hard to find a job. She found one but lost it because they had to let some people go. Now I really know what it feels like because someone I love has to go through with this. I just hope we find a way to decrease this job unemployment because too many people are out of jobs.

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