Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(BC) Steve Jobs

As I was reading Steve jobs quote I realized that I felt the same way about how I would spend my last day if I knew it was my last day to live. I mean I really agree with staves quote because no one would go and do their usual day if they knew that was there last day.  If they do disagree I feel like they would be lying because they would want to do the things they missed out on or wish they could have done. Each and everyone one of us want to do something or want something and what better way to peruse it on your last day. I mean you can’t get in trouble for it because it’s your last day and if you do it last couple hours. I grantee you that would be the first thing on their mind when they find out they got a day to live.

I’ve seen a movie where this women finds out that she has maybe one to two weeks to live and they first thing she did was go to her dream vacation spot. It was a beautiful place only where the rich people go to vacation but she used all her life saving just to be able to be in the spot she always have dreamed of being. She knew she had nothing to lose and she just want to make those last hours with some positivity and happiness, and I would think that’s what all people would do if they were in her situation.

What he said is so true for me because I want to do a lot of things that I can’t right now for a lot of reason. If I knew that I had a day left to live that would be sad but I would just spend my day crying and feeling sorry. I would be sad but I would make a bucket list and try to do them all in one day. I mean I probably won’t fish them all but I know I spent my last day doing something I have always wanted to do.  There is not a better way of leveling this world with happiness.

I wouldn’t just do things that make me happy but also something that would help change someone’s life, like maybe the people in need. Make a donation to the children’s ad or some other things so I know I at least did something for the people in need.

For my last part of time I would just spend it with family members or loved ones. I believe family members are what make you well you. So I would spend my time on looking back on the good times and bad time laughing about it. These are the things I would in my last day if I knew it was my last day. There in no way in hell I would just go with my original plan so yea I really agree with what Steve Jobs said. 

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