Friday, October 7, 2011

(FR) first game as a var player/this coming week

well looking back on this week it was really boring. i go to school and go to practice and thats about it. i was looking forward to my first Varsity game but that didn't turn out as how i expected. as a sophomore to get moved up to var that's very good and i could use that as motivation for next year to do even better. luckily we play a weak team so i got to play a little. as i saw the level of computation i realized its really not that even hard.

now i know what to expect i could use my summer to work hard to maybe get a starting job next year as a starting wide out. its not going to be essay thought because we already have two raw receivers killin every team every week. as of this coming week im going back to JV to help my team against a team that really good. this coming week is a must win game because its homecoming.

first there is going to be the homecoming assembly and every student reppin there class color and talking shit. at the end of the day thought they they are all supporting the football team at the game. they'l have the half time prayed and stuff soo im kinda juiced for this coming week. Basically if i do good in that game and get my team that W i really dont care about any other things. i just hope JV and Var win and all go home happy on Friday night. 


  1. I left a response to this here:

  2. Why is it that our school has a culture where the different classes talk smack at each other during homecoming? Shouldn't we be united as a school, so we can get in a better spirit to beat the other team...? I just don't get it.

    By the way. Capitalize the first words of sentences. And the word "I." Small deal, I know, but it matters. Fix this up please!
