Thursday, October 20, 2011

As I was going to school yesterday morning I heard great news over the radio. They were talking about who the raiders were going to replace Jason Campbell with after he got hurt in the game last Sunday. As the report was talking I was thinking maybe Prayer could come in and kill other teams defense just like what came Newtown is doing. I was really sure they might do that after the showing the backup QB put up last game. The next i herd is that the raiders have made a trade for Carson palmer who was planning to sit out the season. I was so juiced just like most fans would have been if they just herd a good QB is coming to replace your okay QB in till I herd what they had to give up to get him.

The raiders gave up two first round pick and that’s what made me very upset. how could you give up two first round pick for someone who is getting close to that age where he might not be able to play that well if he gets that one good hit from a defender. I know what they are trying to do because their backup sucks. He had a chance to prove himself but he failed to make those accurate throws that caused him to go back to the bench.
Anyways all raider fans can try to do is hope the new Qb is going to play well for them to make it to the playoff as soon as passable. They have a very strong team in their division and they can’t lose track of that.

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