Thursday, October 20, 2011

(RE) Fantasy Football

This is a responce to Rowlands post.
I really agree with Rowland this Fantasy football got me hooked and I think it’s because I’ve been wining.  well you see I was kind of happy because my fantasy team won by a lot but I still have a lot of adjustment I have to make to my team but it’s hard because people won’t give up their players . I am really in need of Running backs but all the good ones are taken. I tried to make a trade with some of my friends but they want too much. I just want a good running back I don’t want to mess with my team because I have all around good players. I am set at other positions and I don’t want to mess with that.

I tried talking to my friend Rowland for a good offer but he didn’t take it. I really think that was stupid. Now that I think about it I think if was stupid of me to offer him that. He’s going to regret that he rejected my trade offer. Now I am on another trade talk with my boy max Jacobs but he’s kind of asking for too much too and there are other people on him about the player that he has. I just hope my other friends don’t give him good trade because I could really use the player he has. My team is good it just has little holes that have to be fixed so I could be a good team all around. Maybe even win this thing and take my prize and bragging right till next year

(CURRENT) US honors martin Luther king with a memorial

They finally finished the statue they were making to honor Dr. Martin Luther King which took about 30 years to finish. It shows martin Luther King kind of thinking but i don't exactly know why that is. I think it’s because he thinks first before he reacts. It’s called The Stone of Hope. He goes down on the history books as one of the greatest civil rights leader but know he has his own memorial that he is well deserving of. He was a smart man who helped change the life of African Americans though his knowledge and wisdom. He is known throughout the world not only for what he did but for his famous I have a dream speech. The speech is probably one of the greatest speech to ever be written.

Whit all this going on, there was controversy that a Chinese man got to make the sculpture and not an African American. Why does that really even matter? One of the greatest African American man is being honored with a memorial of himself but people are complaining that a Chinese man go to do it. I mean all they did was get the best man for the job. I think if they had seen an African American man who seemed better they would have chosen him right of the bat.

With all that said I think this statue was well deserved. He was one great man who put his life on the line including his family when he choose to be one of the leaders in this civil right moment. He not only did that but he showed a great leadership to the people and how to get your point across by showing it in a peaceful manner.

As I was going to school yesterday morning I heard great news over the radio. They were talking about who the raiders were going to replace Jason Campbell with after he got hurt in the game last Sunday. As the report was talking I was thinking maybe Prayer could come in and kill other teams defense just like what came Newtown is doing. I was really sure they might do that after the showing the backup QB put up last game. The next i herd is that the raiders have made a trade for Carson palmer who was planning to sit out the season. I was so juiced just like most fans would have been if they just herd a good QB is coming to replace your okay QB in till I herd what they had to give up to get him.

The raiders gave up two first round pick and that’s what made me very upset. how could you give up two first round pick for someone who is getting close to that age where he might not be able to play that well if he gets that one good hit from a defender. I know what they are trying to do because their backup sucks. He had a chance to prove himself but he failed to make those accurate throws that caused him to go back to the bench.
Anyways all raider fans can try to do is hope the new Qb is going to play well for them to make it to the playoff as soon as passable. They have a very strong team in their division and they can’t lose track of that.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

(Current) Unemployment rising in the UK

This week I’m doing my current post on this video where they talk about how the unemployment rate has gotten up. This problem is happening in the UK and people don’t have any jobs they could get. In this video they interview a guy who hasn’t had a job in two years and had not found any work since then. The jobs that are available are minimum wage jobs but he can’t pay rent and get food with that kind of paying job. With that kind of money he really can’t do anything so he looks for work every day and hope every morning that is the day he finally get a job.
There also this other man who lost him job that don’t have any option. But he still helps the people in need by distributing food. Now that a very nice man. He’s going out of his way when he doesn’t have anything to help other. Is the fact that he thinks that he can’t find a job or he just don’t like working? Well we don’t know but we all know that some of the reasons for rise of unemployment are because people are getting lazier. Once they lose their job they give up and the once that really look for a job after they lose a job are the one that have to support a family.
I may not know how hard it to find a job personally but I do know someone who can’t find one. Ever since my aunt moved from the Bay area to Sacramento it’s been hard to find a job. She found one but lost it because they had to let some people go. Now I really know what it feels like because someone I love has to go through with this. I just hope we find a way to decrease this job unemployment because too many people are out of jobs.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(BC) Steve Jobs

As I was reading Steve jobs quote I realized that I felt the same way about how I would spend my last day if I knew it was my last day to live. I mean I really agree with staves quote because no one would go and do their usual day if they knew that was there last day.  If they do disagree I feel like they would be lying because they would want to do the things they missed out on or wish they could have done. Each and everyone one of us want to do something or want something and what better way to peruse it on your last day. I mean you can’t get in trouble for it because it’s your last day and if you do it last couple hours. I grantee you that would be the first thing on their mind when they find out they got a day to live.

I’ve seen a movie where this women finds out that she has maybe one to two weeks to live and they first thing she did was go to her dream vacation spot. It was a beautiful place only where the rich people go to vacation but she used all her life saving just to be able to be in the spot she always have dreamed of being. She knew she had nothing to lose and she just want to make those last hours with some positivity and happiness, and I would think that’s what all people would do if they were in her situation.

What he said is so true for me because I want to do a lot of things that I can’t right now for a lot of reason. If I knew that I had a day left to live that would be sad but I would just spend my day crying and feeling sorry. I would be sad but I would make a bucket list and try to do them all in one day. I mean I probably won’t fish them all but I know I spent my last day doing something I have always wanted to do.  There is not a better way of leveling this world with happiness.

I wouldn’t just do things that make me happy but also something that would help change someone’s life, like maybe the people in need. Make a donation to the children’s ad or some other things so I know I at least did something for the people in need.

For my last part of time I would just spend it with family members or loved ones. I believe family members are what make you well you. So I would spend my time on looking back on the good times and bad time laughing about it. These are the things I would in my last day if I knew it was my last day. There in no way in hell I would just go with my original plan so yea I really agree with what Steve Jobs said. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(RE) I cant believe you deja

I'm responbonding to deja this week

I have a couple of best friends, the girl kind of best friends. However Ihave only one true guy best friend Rowland, or as I can him WHOREland. He trulyis my best friend. My definition of best friend is someone I can trust, tellanything to, be there if I need them, never judges me, and supportive, sobasically Rowland.

Well I don’t even know what to say about this other then I fact I feel like I have been betrayed. I mean what hurts the most is the fact she said Rowland is her only best guy friend.  Really Deja ? I know we have our differences about the Lakers and Celtics and your weak as warriors but saying that u only have one best guy friend just really hurts my feeling.
 All those time I been there for you when your warriors got they ass kicked by the Lakers and all the other time I was there for you when your weak as Celtics lost to the Lakers in the NBA finals. All those time when you cried about how you fall in love with weak ass teams I was there. I guess that don’t mean noting to you and let’s see if Rowland will be there when the warriors get they ass kicked again like the past 20 to 30 years or when the Celtics fail to make the playoffs because they got a weak players other then Ray Allen (that man got wetters lol). I just want you to know that what you wrote was wrong and show you Rowland is not the best friend you claim he is.
Oh and when Kobe wins the MVP award this coming season over yours and Baileys weak as Lebron there aint  no one to be there to tell you it “okay you just need to pick winners not losers”. I’m just joking deja I just had noting to write about but you do need to change teams really though. Just trying to help and show you what if feels like to be apart of winning team. Just think about it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

(FR) first game as a var player/this coming week

well looking back on this week it was really boring. i go to school and go to practice and thats about it. i was looking forward to my first Varsity game but that didn't turn out as how i expected. as a sophomore to get moved up to var that's very good and i could use that as motivation for next year to do even better. luckily we play a weak team so i got to play a little. as i saw the level of computation i realized its really not that even hard.

now i know what to expect i could use my summer to work hard to maybe get a starting job next year as a starting wide out. its not going to be essay thought because we already have two raw receivers killin every team every week. as of this coming week im going back to JV to help my team against a team that really good. this coming week is a must win game because its homecoming.

first there is going to be the homecoming assembly and every student reppin there class color and talking shit. at the end of the day thought they they are all supporting the football team at the game. they'l have the half time prayed and stuff soo im kinda juiced for this coming week. Basically if i do good in that game and get my team that W i really dont care about any other things. i just hope JV and Var win and all go home happy on Friday night.